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Jessica Payne

Mentorship, Language, and Advocating for Healthier Spaces – My Interview with Nicole DeNamur

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

The first time I heard sustainability expert Nicole DeNamur say that we spend 90% of our time indoors, I assumed that it was a COVID statistic. She recently shared it again – along with the bombshell that it's actually a pre-COVID national average – and it's all I can think about.

I need to get outside more.

Nicole recently joined me on the podcast as I kick off a new series called Build Your House of Wellness.

As the Owner and Founder of Sustainable Strategies based in Seattle, Nicole's eclectic background as an innovative teacher, award-winning author, and advocate for healthy spaces, means she brings a treasure trove of lived experiences and knowledge.

Nicole is the person I'd want to sit next to at a dinner party. Remember those?

The first time I heard sustainability expert Nicole DeNamur say that we spend 90% of our time indoors, I assumed that it was a COVID statistic.

As a sustainability professional and attorney, Nicole brings deep experience exploring topics like risk and healthy spaces, and it's one of the reasons I asked if she'd like to participate in my new series. The series asks one question, "How are you building your house of wellness?" I hoped Nicole would offer up a unique and compelling perspective as she took a swing at my uber-broad/vague question and she didn't disappoint.

Our conversation meandered through some unexpected and delightful areas including mentorship (building and leaning into a supportive network) and the power of language (inclusivity and the ableism that can exist within the health and wellness narrative), as well as advocacy (for healthy spaces).

As someone who is auditing my own "house," I hope sharing stories like Nicole's can help people look at theirs while I worked on tending my own. I think we're off to a flying start.

Join us as we explore Nicole's "house" and see if she sparks some reflection on your end.

Listen to the full interview below – or visit my podcast page to subscribe and stream from your platform.

Check out all of the impactful work Nicole is doing at where you can also find links to her online educational programming, including her Sustainable Strategies School, her medium series, and social channels.

Learn how to participate in the Build Your House of Wellness series on our website. For more insights connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter (@jpaynebu).


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